King’s Lynn Videographer – COP26

A Case Study

Proud Videographer

I was proudly awarded the contract to develop and create video content, and be the King’s Lynn Videographer, for a total of six case studies to be showcased at the prestigious COP26 summit in Glasgow.

One of the studies was in my home county of Norfolk. In the town of Kings Lynn.

The local council was installing heat pump technology for the local leisure centre.  The contractor is drilling, 200m into the ground to extract the heat.

The aim is to be Net Zero by 2035.

Filming Heat Pumps installation in King's Lynn, West Norfolk
Paul Kunes, councillor from Kings Lynn, interviewed on video for COP26

Your King’s Lynn Videographer

All of my videography skills were used in the creation of this case study, along with the other five that had to be created around the East Midlands area of England.

From pre-production, production were included land filming, aerial drone filming, plus producing on location the interviews of key personnel to give a strong narrative for each video.

At the editing stage, the key requirement was to keep the videos within around 30 to 60 seconds. This was a refreshing change, and one I totally agree with; Micro Form videos work best for online social media platforms

Using a brief storyline and quick edits, I had to focus my video editing abilities on the project’s main advantages and accomplishments.

Each case study I had to use the clients assets that fitted with the COP26 brand guidelines. As multiple platforms were being used for viewing the videos, I also had to output a variety of aspect ratios and for accessibility, subtitling.

Need a Videographer in King’s Lynn?

Every day, I work with small and large business to create their video productions. I’d love to help design and develop your video content.

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Shaun Lawson
Shaun Lawson

I’m Shaun, a highly experienced multi-talented, Norwich based, videographer. Creating studio and location video content for a diverse range of clients and audiences. I’ve been working in video production since 1990, daily creating creative video features for online digital use and TV delivery.

Get in touch if you need help with video creation.

Articles: 31